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Учебник Английского 7 Класс Афанасьева

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  3. Русский Язык 7 Класс Учебник
  1. Книга: Английский язык. Автор: Афанасьева, Михеева. Аннотация, отзывы.
  2. ГДЗ: Спиши готовые домашние задания Student's Book по английскому языку за 7 класс, решебник О.В.

Решебник к учебнику английского языка для 7 классов, составленный Афанасьевой и Михеевой, разработан специально для учеников гимназий и общеобразовательных школ, преподающих иностранный язык углубленного уровня. Несмотря на многочисленные разговоры о вреде ГДЗ, данное пособие при правильном его использовании окажет неоценимую поддержку в образовательном процессе. Книга позволит ученикам самостоятельно проверить собственные домашние уроки, разобраться в сложных и непонятных упражнениях, используя приведенные в решебнике образцы, найти ответы на вопросы, усвоить правила грамматики и научиться правильно составлять предложения, а также выполнять переводы текстов на русский. ГДЗ к учебнику English VII Афанасьева, Михеева позволит школьникам выполнять задания учебника углубленного уровня сложности на высоком уровне и получать только положительные оценки. Книга поможет ребенку подготовиться к экзаменам по предмету, заставит его поверить в свои силы и вдохновит на новые победы в учебе. Кроме того, готовые домашние задания пригодятся для преподавателей, желающих объяснить тему и составить план уроков таким образом, чтобы занятия приносили максимальную пользу, а также родителей, следящих за успехами своих детей в школе. Решения представлены по этой.

Step: Гдз по английскому языку 7 класс Афанасьева rainbow учебник 2016 Book Guide UNIT 1. SCHOOL AND SCHOOLING (pages 5—43) Talking Points 1. School description 2. Coming back to school 3. Homecoming (an American tradition) 4. Education in England, Wales 5.

Education in Russia 6. School subjects 7. American school year Grammar Points 1. Countable and uncountable nouns 2.

На сайте Дрофа - Вентана-граф учебник по английскому языку для 7 класса линейки Rainbow English. 5 класс Английский язык. Решебники по английскому языку. 7 класс 2000.

Partition (a piece of cake etc.) 3. Nouns used only in the plural 4. Articles with nouns like school, church, hospital, prison etc. Vocabulary Points 1. Words for the talking points 2.

Word combinations with the noun pair 3. Classroom English 4. Verbs say, tell, speak, talk 5. Verbs with the preposition to 6. Adjectives with the preposition of 7. Phrasal verbs: talk back, talk into, talk over, talk out of 8. Nouns denoting school subjects 9.

Word building: the suffix -tion to form nouns Culture and History 1. English as a global language 2.

American English 3. Compulsory education in Britain 4.

Science as a school subject 5. Marks used in English and Russian schools Consolidation Class 1: pages 37—40 Test Yourself 1: pages 41—43 Project Work 1: page 43 Workbook 7: Unit 1 Reader 7: Section 1 UNIT 2. THE LANGUAGE OF THE WORLD (pages 44—83) Talking Points 1.

Learning English 2. Reasons to learn English 3. The way English developed 4. Variants of the English language 5. English — the language of the planet 6.

Dictionaries and what information they give 7. Important languages at different times Grammar Points 1. The present perfect tense 2. The third forms of some irregular verbs 3. Adverbs of time as markers of present perfect 4. Adverbs already and yet in questions 5. Past simple in answers to questions in present perfect 6.

Учебник Английского Языка 7 Класс Афанасьева Михеева Скачать Бесплатно

Articles with nouns denoting languages 7. Articles with nouns after the intensifier such Vocabulary Points 1. Words for the talking points 2.

International words 3. Words to describe likes and dislikes 4. Words dictionary and vocabulary 5. Word building: a) the suffix -less to form adjectives b) the suffix -ing to form nouns 6. Phrasal verbs: hand back, hand in, hand out, hand over Culture and History 1.

How languages began 2. Indo-European family of languages 3.

Monolingual and bilingual dictionaries 4. Story of English Consolidation Class 2: pages 78—81 Test Yourself 2: pages 81—83 Project Work 2: page 83 Workbook 7: Unit 2 Reader 7: Section 2 UNIT 3. SOME FACTS ABOUT THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING WORLD (pages 84—128) Talking Points 1. The USA — a country of immigrants 2. Geography of the USA 4. Washington, D.C.

Geography of Australia 6. Canberra and Sydney — two major Australian cities 7. Australian flora and fauna Grammar Points 1. Past simple versus present perfect 2.

The third forms of some irregular verbs 3. Just and just now as markers of present perfect and past simple 4. Before, many/several times, for the first/second time as markers of present perfect 5. Articles with nouns denoting nationalities Vocabulary Points 1. Words for the talking points 2. Maybe versus may be 3. To have gone to versus to have been to 4.

Words to express surprise 5. Words to denote nations and nationalities 6. Phrasal verbs: give away, give back, give out, give up 7. Word building: a) the suffix -/y to form adverbs b) the suffix -ly to form adjectives Culture and History 1. Story of the USA 2. Story of Australia 3.

Учебник Английского 7 Класс Афанасьева

Wonders of the US natural world 4. Wonders of Australian natural world 5.

Australian Aborigines Consolidation Class 3: pages 121—125 Test Yourself 3: pages 125—128 Project Work 3: page 128 Workbook 7: Unit 3 Reader 7: Section 3 Book Guide UNIT 4. LIVING THINGS AROUND US (pages 5—45) Talking Points 1. Birds of our planet 2.

Language of birds 3. Animals and plants 4. Люботин карта с улицами. Apes in the animal world 5. Insects in the animal world 6. Flora and fauna of the British Isles 7. Flora and fauna of Russia Grammar Points 1. The third forms of some irregular verbs 2.

Articles with the words other and others 3. Present perfect progressive to describe actions started in the past and going on at the moment of speech 4. Present perfect progressive to describe actions started in the past and finished just before the moment of speech 5. Since, for and other markers of present perfect progressive 6. Past simple in the clauses introduced by the preposition since 7.

Pronouns someone, everyone, anyone, no one Vocabulary Points 1. Words for the talking points 2.

Words another, other, others 3. Words fly, flow and their forms 4.

Words earth, land, ground, soil 5. Words to express greetings 6. Phrasal verbs: make off, make out, make up-1, make up-2 7. Word building: the suffix -able to form adjectives Culture and History 1. Charles Darwin, his theory and discoveries 2.

Helen Beatrix Potter, a famous British writer Consolidation Class 4: pages 39—43 Test Yourself 4: pages 43—45 Project Work 4: page 45 Workbook 7: Unit 4 Reader 7: Section 4 UNIT 5. THE ABC OF ECOLOGY (pages 46—85) Talking Points 1.

National parks of Russia 2. What is ecology 3. Environment and pollution 4. Climate all over the world 5. Ecological organizations 6. Save the Earth Grammar Points 1.

Present perfect of the verbs know, have, be, want, love, own to describe actions started in the past and going on at the moment of speech 2. Reflexive pronouns 3. Verbs used with and without reflexive pronouns 4. Present perfect versus present perfect progressive Vocabulary Points 1. Words for the talking points 2. Word some and its equivalents little/a little, few/a few, not much, not many 3. Words to give instructions 4.

Another name of Holland and how to denote its language 5. Words among and between 6. Phrasal verbs: take down, take in, take off, take up 7. Word building: a) the suffix -ment to form nouns b) the prefix dis- to form nouns, verbs, and adjectives Culture and History 1.

Worldwide Fund for Nature 2. Story of the dodo Consolidation Class 5: pages 79—82 Test Yourself 5: pages 83—85 Project Work 5: page 85 Workbook 7: Unit 5 Reader 7: Section 5 UNIT 6. LIVING HEALTHY (pages 86—124) Talking Points 1. Ecology of man 2. Fast food and junk food, the harm they do 3.

Healthy eating, the food pyramid 4. Keeping fit 5. Living a long life 6. Getting ill, our diseases 7.

Visiting a doctor 8. Disabled people 9. Healthy method of travelling Grammar Points 1. Адрес списка каналов.

Exclamatory sentences with what and how. Articles with nouns in exclamatory sentences 3. Articles with some nouns denoting pains Vocabulary Points 1.

Words for the talking points 2. Word enough with nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs 3.

Учебник Английского 7 Класс Афанасьева Онлайн

Words almost and practically 4. Intensifiers too and enough compared 5.

Русский Язык 7 Класс Учебник

Words pain and ache 6. Words sick and ill 7. Word combinations get a cold, catch a cold, come down with a cold 8. Exclamation words 9. Words hard and hardly, such and so, still and yet compared 10. Word building: a) the suffix -ly to form adverbs b) the suffix -ly to form adjectives c) the suffix -ness to form nouns d) the suffix -th to form nouns Culture and History 1. British measures of length, weight and liquids 2.